Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Life at Howard University so Far

It’s been two weeks since I arrived at Howard University. My experience so far at the university has been exciting, intimidating, and even discouraging at times. I have gone through many changes within my short period of time here.

Freshman week was enjoyable for the most part. I didn’t party too much, but I met a lot of people, so that was cool. By the end of the week I was ready for classes to begin. My first week of classes at HU felt like the beginning of a whole new academic life. There’s people everywhere who seem more intelligent and advanced in many areas than myself. Meeting people from all over the country has really been an eye opening experience. I feel like I barley made it into HU, so I already have catching up to do academically in my mind. Though things seem intimidating, I feel that if I apply myself I can do well in my academics. The classes seem challenging, but not so much that I won't be able to handle them.

The social aspect of school is going to take some getting used to. I’m used to having the luxury of being able to do what I want whenever I want within reason back home. This has changed though now that I’m sharing a room and living space with other people besides my parents. One aspect of my life that has been hit hard is my music producing career. Finding time to make music has been difficult because of the university’s many distractions. I try to be aware of others, and respect them and their actions, but this interferes with what I’d like to do sometimes. I know I’ll eventually find time to continue it, but not being able to make music when I want is discouraging, and hurtful financially somewhat.

I can’t really say that I’m too excited about freshman seminar just yet. The lineup of seminars seem like they could possibly be interesting, but I won’t really be able to make any judgments until after I’ve experienced them. The class as a whole seems like it will help me assimilate to college life, and provide information on the history of Howard. I hope the class gives me a sense of pride and understanding about what it really means to be a Howard Bison.

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