Saturday, October 8, 2011

Miss Evers' Boys

Having had some prior history on the subject of the play i didnt exepect to many surprises. My brother , a psychology major at Texas Southern University , told me all about the experiment and how the goverment was underhanded. When he was telling me about it i didnt really understand how the goverment could just get away with such an act , it was quite disturbing. So when i came to the play , i was ready and prepared or so i thought. It was one thing hearing about the story but seeing it played out in the lives of real people was so heart wrenching. We dont realize how much we take freedoms for granted , how one person can do that to another human being is repulsive. How dare someone infect someone else under false pretenses , what justification can one have for doing such a horrendous thing. Its sad how they kept us from having an education so that they can do dirty acts such as the one miss evers' boys had to endure. However there is a way to fight back , more powerful than guns and violence and prtoests. We can fight back by educating ourselves and doing something and productive with our lives. No one can trick , or fool us if we have knowledge to know better and stand up for ourselves. If we make a concious decisions to take our education seriously so that we can defy sterotypes and stray from statistcs , we can change mindsets . If we take ourselves seriously and support one another in this effort , the sky is the limit for what we can accomplish.

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